Oh, how I adore the month of May. I can understand why, in some cultures, people put up a May pole and dance joyously around it with colorful ribbons streaming. There is something about the fecund emergence of color and life that is so energizing and delightful. We've been spending some happy moments in the garden these past few weeks. Every time we walk by our beds there is an exultant gasp as we discover some new emerging seedling or blossoming bud. Such simple pleasures!
I realized rather recently that I seems to be quite drawn to purple and blue flowers. They are making an appearance all around the yard; they make me so happy! We finally filled and planted the new raised bed and trellis - it looks quite imposing from the sidewalk, but I'm hoping that once it covered in greenery it will soften the effect.
Dance Around the Maypole
In and out, in and out,
Weave the ribbons tight;
'Round the Maypole we will dance
To the left and to the right
Happy May to you - hope your days are warm and filled with all sorts of inspiring natural beauty!