Beauty, creativity, self-reliance, generosity... these are qualities that we are trying to cultivate in ourselves and in our children. One way we've explored these attributes is through various homemaking projects and activities, whether it be sewing, knitting, or putting things together with paper and glue. Mom was the one who paved the way; we can all recall spending evenings around her quilting frame tying knots in blankets, or standing in apprehension as she tucked and pinned and fitted a new dress onto us, or sitting at the kotatsu making homemade ornaments for our aunts and uncles. In those moments we shared tidbits about our lives with each other, learned about the importance of quality workmanship, and created something beautiful to be shared with the people we loved. It was good stuff.
Hopefully we can carry on the tradition.
Some of our hopeful attempts (some are more ideas and suggestions as opposed to true tutorials):
Cloth napkins
Christmas gift tags
D-ring belt
Eye pillows
Family photo album
Flannel board
Flower cards
Lotion bars
Moisturing tonic
Mommy Totebag
Ruffle socks
Natural household cleaners
Nursing Cover
Otedama (Japanese beanbags)
Oni (demon) pillows
Valentine candy jars
Wrapped tins