Wednesday, October 31, 2012

yarn along: being a girl

Joining Ginny over at Small Things for the regular Wednesday Yarn Along!
Two of my favorite things are knitting and reading, and the evidence of this often shows up in my photographs. I love seeing what other people are knitting and reading as well. So, what are you knitting or crocheting right now? What are you reading? ~ Ginny Sheller from Small Things
yes, that would be Sandy outside the window...

This past week I read Cinderella Ate My Daughter by Peggy Orenstein. Funny, thought-provoking, at times even provocative. I have always been uncomfortable with the "Princess" girly-girl culture and this book helped me better articulate why. It was a fun and easy read with the added benefit that it made me re-evaluate my own beliefs about feminism and how I want to raise my daughter. I appreciate how Orenstein presents various studies and research to theorize that what girls are attracted to and what we define as feminism is mostly dictated by media and commercialism as opposed to inherent biological wiring. Not that Orenstein offers any concrete solutions to avoiding the narcissism and consumerism that plagues girlhood, but my take-away was that the more informed, aware, and present I am in Mayumi's childhood, the better I'll be able to combat the negative attitudes and images that can seep into our home. But perhaps that is topic for another post entirely?

As for knitting, I'm still chugging away at Maya's sweater. Or at least, I eye it sitting in my basket and keep telling myself that I should work on it in between feedings during this luxurious phase while the babies sleep all the time. You know, instead of getting sucked into Pinterest (speaking of consumerism and narcism - with few exceptions it's all about keeping track of things I want) and reading other people's blogs. In my defense, those boys don't always sleep... but now I'm just making excuses. I vow to make this a more productive week in terms of tackling that sweater!

Oh yes, and Happy Halloween everyone.

Monday, October 29, 2012

if I had the energy...

and if there weren't a hurricane going on outside our windows, I would've made a bigger deal out of Halloween this year. Wouldn't it have been charming to have made the entire family homemade thematic costumes? Or even store-bought costumes? And to have had a party? Or a homeschool activity day? Or something? For how long do I get to use "I just gave birth to twins" as my excuse for being utterly unproductive?

But thanks to Pinterest, next year I am ready with a stockpile of ideas:

Eyes in the Bushes ~ Add glow sticks & tuck in shrubs for Halloween.
A bunch of easy ideas for a Halloween party... veggies, desserts and dips all with a mummy theme!
Source: via MamaQ on Pinterest
Freeze water in a surgical hand glove to make a creepy ice cube for the punch at Halloween party. Whoa, spooky. 
Oh my, this is clever, isn't it?
Mummy dogs!

Source: via MamaQ on Pinterest
ghostly footprints!
cute thumb-print spiders
not sure what I'd use these for - but I like them!

Source: via MamaQ on Pinterest

Costume ideas:

Von Trapps (though to be accurate I'd need to have four more children?)

Classic Star Wars (Wouldn't PapaQ make a great Chewie?)

Little House on the Prairie

Hope your Halloween is fun and safe this year!

Friday, October 26, 2012

{this moment}

A Friday ritual (inspired by Soulemama). 
A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. 
A simple, special, extraordinary moment. 
A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

two weeks already

Two weeks ago I thwarted the evil plan for a C-section and naturally delivered my babies without any complications (Benjamin and Corrigan had their own ideas about how they wanted to arrive in this world: fast and furious!).

But that was two weeks ago. I can hardly believe two weeks have passed by. Their birth seems both ages ago and only yesterday. The time has passed in a blur of diapers, laundry, breastfeeding, swaddling, shushing, and greeting so many wonderful friends who've stopped by with gifts, well-wishes and nourishing dinners. But most delightful, there has been non-stop cuddling with these two new fascinating creatures. Oh my, we are all in love...

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

yarn along: finished product!

Joining Ginny over at Small Things for the regular Wednesday Yarn Along!
Two of my favorite things are knitting and reading, and the evidence of this often shows up in my photographs. I love seeing what other people are knitting and reading as well. So, what are you knitting or crocheting right now? What are you reading? ~ Ginny Sheller from Small Things

Finally finished sewing buttons onto the crocheted sweater and gave to Mayumi for her 5th birthday. 
And reading consists to browsing through blogs while I nurse and referencing books on twins when I need a little info. But I hope to get in a bit more knitting and reading during this honeymoon phase where these little tykes sleep most of the time. I know that will change all too soon!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

big sister

This week our little girl turned five years old. We have been watching with pride as she grows and matures (at an alarming pace!) into the most lovely little girl.
For five years now she has been the center of our lives and though she has always wanted siblings, we knew that when they finally came along it could be a delicate transition. To our relief and delight, Mayumi seems to be adjusting well; she is as enamored of her brothers as we are. We've tried to focus on her roll as a big sister, often talking about how much Benjamin and Corrigan love her and how good she is with them. Little gifts here and there don't seem to hurt, either; she loved getting a big sister t-shirt when she came to meet the boys for the first time in the hospital and she almost never removes the "big sister" medical bracelet that one of the nurses gave her. One of her birthday gifts was a darling "big sis" necklace from Baby's First Keepsake on Etsy. It's her first piece of "real" jewelry and she loves that too.
I suppose there will be bumps in the road ahead. Already I find it challenging to make time for her and I find myself losing patience all too easily. But then we make biscuits for strawberry shortcake, or we read an Amelia Bedelia story and laugh at her antics, or we cuddle in bed after I've nursed the the twins to sleep and I know that everything is going to be all right.

Friday, October 19, 2012

{this moment}

A Friday ritual (inspired by Soulemama). 
A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Mayumi introducing her new brothers: Corrigan Akira and Benjamin Shinobu.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

more little moments

Despite bleary eyes, mounds and mounds (and mounds!) of laundry, dirty diapers, midnight tandem feedings and lots of soreness in all sorts of places... there are just too many moments of gratitude that take my breath away.

Friday, October 12, 2012

{this moment}... updated!

A Friday ritual (inspired by Soulemama). 
A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

{this moment}

A Friday ritual (inspired by Soulemama). 
A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

yarn along: i can make pretty things!

Joining Ginny over at Small Things for the regular Wednesday Yarn Along!
Two of my favorite things are knitting and reading, and the evidence of this often shows up in my photographs. I love seeing what other people are knitting and reading as well. So, what are you knitting or crocheting right now? What are you reading? ~ Ginny Sheller from Small Things

Book: The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion.
I'm about halfway through and find it both heartbreaking and funny. I'm not sure why I'm drawn to Didion's memoir about the death of her husband and the grief she went through... I think I'm so full of hormones and emotions right now that I'm finding some comfort reading about turmoil in someone else's life. Kind of like the way sad love songs resonate with you, especially when you're going through some heartache of your own. 

Knitting Project: Cotton & Cloud cable yoke jacket using Ella Rae Classic Heathers 100% wool. While I was knitting the cabled yoke I kept saying to myself, "Wow, I am making something truly beautiful!" This is probably the most complicated sweater I've worked on and I've had to undo stitches a few times because I'm really trying to make this as perfect as I can. But it is so gratifying and I'm so pleased with how it is coming out. Mayumi watches as I knit sometimes and she is beyond excited to receive it. We keep joking that even though she knows I'm making it for her, she has to forget about it after I'm done so it can be a surprise when she receives it for Christmas. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

tea with jam and bread

Lovely brisk days bring about a slower pace around here (oh yes, that, and the extra rest I've been needing from carrying around these boys in my belly). It's been nice to hear the whistle of the tea kettle again and slather on butter, honey, and preserves on toast (not necessarily all at once, though perhaps that would be divine!).

Friday, October 5, 2012

{this moment}

A Friday ritual (inspired by Soulemama). 
A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

october's serenade

It is not easy (or advisable) for me to be out and about on my feet, but we had a few exceptions this past weekend. The autumn air is so seductive and since PapaQ was't around to give Mayumi some much-needed outdoor time, I had to take the reigns. Outings to the local Family Fall Festival  and grabbing crepes at Eastern Market were just what we needed to take advantage of this time of year. I suppose it was a bit much for me and my poor swollen feet and aching belly... the good news is that when we do all this again next year, I won't be in this condition and it will be the more the merrier!