We continue with the exciting build-up to Christmas - we've been enjoying our little activities and excursions, but in full disclosure, things don't always pan out and sometimes, due to illness, weather, or just plain busy-ness we end up needing to modify our plans. But we roll with it - isn't that what you have to do as a parent? This is what we've managed to do this past week:
Day 15: Revelled in the rarity of snow in our neck of the woods! Just a dusting, but mini-snowmen were made and general frolicking and gaiety ensued. Alas, no sledding yet... perhaps while we're in New England?
Day 16: Sewed new stockings for our family. Though there are only three of us, I remain optimistic that we may add more to our brood, so I made five different colored socks with Asian brocade cuffs.
Day 17: Stringing popcorn garlands for the tree. This isn't the easiest or quickest activity for a three year-old - there was plenty of finger stabbing and she lost interest pretty quickly, but we were able to get a few strings up on the tree, and they are so quaint!
Day 18: Attended another Christmas party, but this time at the church I attended while growing up in Massachusetts. We weren't able to stay for too long because Mayumi wasn't feeling so hot, but she was able to make a few Christmas crafts and check out the various nativities on display. We also had plans to go on a winter solstice walk that night, but Maya fell asleep in the car on the way home and we just brought her in to bed... plans change!
Day 19: Making gingerbread houses! This was the perfect activity during a quiet afternoon at Grandma's house. I usually prefer to make things from scratch, but I will admit to using a pre-made packaged kit here. You would think that would've made it easier, but I forgot how challenging it is to put these little buildings together! I'm sure more frosting ended up in Mayumi's stomach than on the houses, but we were rather pleased with our architectural endeavors.
Day 20: Well, perhaps it was all that frosting from the night before or maybe it was just a tummy full of postnasal drip, but Mayumi threw up several times during the night and none of us got much sleep. We had a quiet day and except for one short visit to the library to borrow some books (and play with the trains) we took it easy. But reading Christmas books and cuddling up with the people you love seems like a perfectly acceptable way to celebrate the season, no?