Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Hot Date

As a relative new-comer to the world of public blogging, one of the most exciting and rewarding things has been making other bloggy friends. You start recognizing return-commenters and then you visit their sites and see that you have a lot in common and you leave comments on their posts and soon you have a little repartee going. You might even reach out and connect through email and get to know each other by your real names. And occasionally you might even be brave enough to suggest an actual face-to-face meeting!

Yes, it's true. I had a total bloggy crush on Pomegranate Girl because not only do we have common interests and a similar background, but she seems uber-talented, interesting, and genuine. And it turns out she lives in the same area where I grew up. So on my recent trip back to New England, we met up. She suggested we have lunch at Flatbread Company in Amesbury and when I looked it up on line and read about this restaurant's commitment to local, organic produce, free-range chicken, nitrate-free meats, and community-centered philosophy it made me love Pomegranate Girl that much more. And when we showed up and she greeted me with a warm, genuine hug and her little boy was so sweet and friendly to my little girl, I realized that this could be true love. You know, in the kindred spirit/bosom friend kind of way.

Pomegranate Girls's Photo: The pizza was amazing!
It made me so happy when she whipped out her camera right when I was about to whip out mine. We geeked out over cameras and lenses for a bit and she gave me loads of great tips. Seriously, where was the girl when I was bemoaning my lonely, homely Asian American self growing up? So nice to find a Japanese Mixie soul sister!
The kids were instant BFFs, too.

A fellow mama with a camera - I love this girl!

When we got home later that afternoon Mayumi and I were gushing to Mr. Q about our new-found friends. We're still on a bit of a high, actually. Thanks for the super hot date, Pomegranate Girl - looking forward to more bloggy contact, back-and-forth email, and actual face time!

1 comment:

Pomegranategrl said...

Awe! *blush* We loved meeting you guys too and are already planning what to do your next trip out here!