Saturday, October 16, 2010


This is what was on my kitchen floor today. I won't tell you how many days of build-up this represents or what yummy things that build-up is composed of. I promise  my kitchen's not always this gross; it's just amazing how these things sometimes get away from me...


Rachel Hagen said...

Oh my goodness. I comletely understand. I've been home for two weeks now, and just yesterday got to sweeping/mopping the floors after being gone for a month. OHHHH I SP nice to have clean floors.
ps i'm sad we never got together. while i was there, mick was really missing us so i ended up working all day (instead of pt) so we could just get home earlier. at least i got to meet cute little olive.

Kendra said...

Those things can lurk in the corners... no reason to feel bad. What matters most is that you are a great mama!

ginger said...

Umm, so I sweep up at least that much every day!