Monday, January 18, 2010

I love my oven

By MamaM

When we moved into our townhome a few years ago, we were lucky enough to get all new appliances. I'm a nerd, so I read all the owner's manuals, including the one for our Kitchenaid oven. To my delight, I discovered our oven is also a dehydrator!

When I saw 10 lb bags of apples on sale for $4 the other day, I bought a couple of bags and started peeling, coring and slicing.

It took less than one bag to fill up the three trays that my oven holds. After 12 hours at 140 degrees, the apples were just the right mix of chewy and dry. I had enough dried apple slices to fill up three sandwich-sized bags. I might have eaten all of those apples in less time than it made to make them, but that's not important...


MamaQ said...

gorgeous photos, em. and i am sooooo jealous that your oven is a dehydrator, too. i covet.

eileen said...

mamaM...aren't you the one about to have a baby!? i'm impressed.
best of luck!

Katie said...

YUM! I'll take any extras off your hands!!! I wonder if my oven has a dehydrator? I'm kinda inspired now...maybe I'll go to DI and see if there are any cheap dehydrators there.

Betsy said...

I have a dehydrator and love it! Bananas are great to use too.

Ye Stewart Clan said...

An oven with a dehydrator? Oooh. I didn't even know that could be an option!
Love it!