Saturday, January 2, 2010


MamaQ: I have mixed feelings about new year's resolutions.

MamaM: I don't. I think they're kind of ridiculous. I mean, goals and resolutions are wonderful, but should not be put off until Jan. 1.

MamaQ: Harsh! I think resolutions are somewhat different than goals.  Goals seem more like action items to be checked off a list, e.g., working out, knitting a sweater, maintaining a blog, getting certified to teach yoga (all goals I have for this year). But a resolution, to me, indicates a change in attitude and behavior. My resolution this year is to internalize and embody the advice of Mother Teresa.  This has become my mantra:

Spread love everywhere you go;
First of all, in your own house.
Give love to your children,
to your wife or husband,
to a next-door neighbor...
Let no one ever come to you
without leaving better and happier.
Be the living expression of God's kindness:
kindness in your face
kindness in your eyes
kindness in your smile
kindness in your warm greeting.

Mama M: I have to admit I've been a little lackluster about setting goals in my life as of late, as all of my energies have been focused on this little human growing in my belly. I've continued working out through my pregnancy (goal #1), which I hope helps me achieve a natural, unmedicated birth (goal #2). Once the little aka-chan is here, my number one goal is keeping her safe and healthy while attempting to take care of myself, which means getting back into a sleeping, exercise and work routine. I think those are plenty of goals for now. Mama D?

MamaD: This all makes me think of this broadcast that I heard on NPR's Science Friday about making resolutions stick. It was a really fascinating broadcast. The things that stuck out to me are what it actually takes to achieve your goals. I think it definitely helps to specifically define your goals instead of making vague resolutions. So instead of saying, "I'm going to be healthier this year," you should probably say something like, "I'm going to be healthier this year by exercising three times a week for at least 30 minutes." And of course, the resolution needs to be realistic and attainable.

I have to say, I like the idea of New Year's resolutions because it gives you this clean plate to start off with. But of course, like M alluded to, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't be setting goals throughout the year or quit if you fall off the wagon. Sometimes, you just need to re-evaluate your resolution if it's not working out and refine it.

I've already started on my resolution, which is probably what a lot of other people resolve to do. I wanted to start exercising again, which I hadn't done regularly since little Lucy was born last year. So after Thanksgiving, I did some research on the gyms around my house and got a membership. There has been a little bit of trial and error in trying to figure out how to work it all out but I think in the beginning, persistence is key.

MamaQ: I've made up my mind; I think the start of a new year is an excellent time to re-evaluate your life and institute some positive change.  I'd like to hear what everyone else is thinking about this. 

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