Thursday, July 1, 2010

Recipe rankings

\What should I make for dinner?

I ask myself this question as I plan out the week and get my grocery list together. We have lots of cookbooks and I often just flip through them, looking for the ones that look really yummy in the photos or really easy by the ingredients list. I also look for the ones I've given rankings, a method I've been employing for the past year or so.My scale is 1-5: 1 being "disgusting, never make again," and 5 being "delicious! delectable! a sure crowd-pleaser."

The problem is that I've only ever ranked the recipe on its page and didn't transfer the ranking to the table of contents or index, thus it was like finding a needle in a haystack. I only recently got around to accumulating all of the rankings so I can more easily find my favorites.

After finishing this little project, I've come across another problem: I don't have many 4- and 5-ranked recipes. Guess I'll have to keep plugging away at new recipes to get up to the two dozen or so go-to meals I'd like to have in my repertoire. I'm taking suggestions, so let me know if you have a favorite recipe or cookbook that could help an amateur chef like me!