Monday, March 1, 2010

Blog Renovation

By MamaD

Did I ever mention that PapaD (my husband) is an artist. That means I'm very fortunate because he can do all sorts of cool things like touch up our pictures in Photoshop and digitally draw fun stuff in Adobe Illustrator among other things (and more importantly, has a fulfilling job that he enjoys and supports our family). And some of the feedback that we've been getting is that we need to personalize this site a little more and add some character to it. Although our current header of lovely water flowing from bamboo is...lovely, it is a little impersonal and not the best reflection of us sisters. So tonight, at 7:00 PM MST, my husband will be doing a live art cast where you can watch him design and illustrate the new header for our blog. Here is a sneak peak at some of the designs we thought up the other day (although this is pretty rough and could look pretty different when all is said and done).

The cowboy hat probably won't make it in but my husband thought it was pretty funny...

If you're interested in seeing some of PapaD's work (aka Brandon Dayton) you can check out his blog HERE. You can view the art cast by clicking on the Drawing Live button in the upper right side of his blog or you can link directly to it from HERE.


ginger said...

love it
love it
love it

if i can stay up until 9, i will definitely be watching.

Kendra said...

I love these - he is so talented!

Chris said...

Cool, so where is the new header?